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Martin gets his independence back!

20 Oct Martin gets his independence back!
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What is a ceiling track system? This interview with Martin & his father John was an excellent opportunity to explain why ceiling track hoists are not only an effective solution when someone needs lifting to bed, chair or other but how single handed care, actually saves you money, look after your support staff or family members as well as give you a better quality of life.*What system is installed?* Molift Air 200 two way hoist Molift Rail*How long to install?* Straight rail systems can be anything from 1 - 4 hours. XY or H system ceiling track range from 4 - 8 hours, depending on complexity.*Can I get a FREE survey in mainland UK? Yes you can, call us on 01772 814555 or Click here to request a surveyOur *Website*: Our *Instagram*: Our *Facebook*: #ceilingtrack #carers #nhs #ceilinghoists #ceilinghoist #enableliving #teamaalWhat is a ceiling track system? This interview with Martin & his father John was an excellent opportunity to explain why ceiling track hoists are not only an effective solution when someone needs lifting to bed, chair or other but how single handed care, actually saves you money, look after your support staff or family members as well as give you a better quality of life.